The Easter Bunny Myth: Why You Shouldn't Buy a Rabbit as a Gift

Every year, as Easter approaches, pet stores and breeders see a surge in demand for rabbits. In the weeks and months following Easter, rescues and shelters unfortunately see a surge in abandoned and surrendered rabbits. This is because, in popular culture, the Easter bunny is often associated with the holiday, and many families believe that buying a pet rabbit is a cute and fitting way to celebrate the season. However, the reality is that giving a rabbit as a gift for Easter is a bad idea for both the animal and the recipient.

vintage easter bunny and child greeting card
In this post, we'll discuss the reasons why buying a rabbit as an Easter gift is a bad idea and why you should avoid doing so. We'll delve into the reality of rabbit ownership, including the lifespan, costs, and care requirements of these animals. We'll also explore the consequences of impulse purchases and how they can lead to neglect or abandonment. Finally, we'll offer alternative ways to celebrate Easter that don't involve buying a live animal.

Our goal is to spread awareness about responsible pet ownership and encourage people to think twice before buying a rabbit as a gift for Easter. By doing so, we hope to prevent the unnecessary suffering of rabbits and promote a more humane approach to the holiday season.

The Reality of Rabbit Ownership

Rabbits are social, intelligent animals that require a significant amount of care and attention. If you're considering buying a rabbit for Easter, it's essential to understand the reality of rabbit ownership and the commitment required to care for these animals properly.

Lifespan of a rabbit

First and foremost, rabbits have a relatively long lifespan for a small pet, living up to 10 years or more with proper care. This means that buying a rabbit for Easter is not just a short-term commitment, but a long-term responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

Costs of rabbit ownership

Rabbit ownership can also be costly. In addition to the initial purchase price of the rabbit, you'll need to invest in a suitable housing arrangement (i.e. x-pens), litter box and bedding, food, water bowls, and toys. Veterinary care, including spaying or neutering, annual check-ups, vaccines, and any necessary medical treatment, can also add up quickly.

Space and housing requirements

Rabbits also require a significant amount of space to live comfortably. They need ample room to move around, stretch out, and hop, which means a small cage is not sufficient. Instead, they need a large enclosure (like an x-pen) or an entire room of the house dedicated to them. Many rabbit owners let their rabbits be fully free roam! They also need a place to hide and feel secure, such as a cardboard box or upgrade to a cottontail cottage. We love the TokiHut Cottage in our household!

rabbit running in home in front of plant

Dietary needs and potential health issues

Finally, rabbits have specific dietary needs and are prone to certain health issues. They require a diet rich in hay, fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets. Additionally, they need their teeth to wear down naturally, which means they need constant access to hay or other roughage to chew on. Rabbits can also develop dental issues, digestive problems, and other health issues if their diet is not appropriate.

The Consequences of Impulse Purchases

Buying a rabbit as a gift for Easter is often an impulse purchase made on a whim. However, impulse purchases can have significant consequences for both the animal and the person who bought it. Let’s review together.

Emotional decision-making during holidays

Holidays like Easter are emotionally charged, and many people may feel pressure to buy the perfect gift for their loved ones. Unfortunately, this can lead to impulse purchases of live animals without considering the long-term commitment required to care for them.

Lack of consideration for the long-term commitment

When people buy rabbits as gifts for Easter, they may not consider the commitment required to care for these animals properly. This can lead to neglect, abandonment, or surrendering the animal to a shelter when the novelty wears off or the reality of the responsibility sets in.

High rate of rabbit abandonment and neglect

The reality is that rabbits are one of the most commonly abandoned pets. According to the House Rabbit Society, over half of all rabbits purchased during Easter will be abandoned or die within the first year. This is a shocking statistic that underscores the importance of responsible pet ownership.

Why Rabbits Aren't Good Pets for Children

While rabbits may seem like a cute and cuddly pet for children, they actually require a significant amount of care and attention that may not be suitable for young children. Here are a few reasons why rabbits may not be the best choice as a pet for children:

Delicate nature

Rabbits are fragile animals that require gentle handling. They have delicate spines that can easily be broken if they are dropped or handled incorrectly. Children may unintentionally harm or stress rabbits by holding them too tightly or playing too rough. Rabbits will oftentimes run under feet, especially once they trust you, so hyperactive children pose an unintentional but serious threat to rabbits.

High maintenance

It is outdated thinking that rabbits are low-maintenance starter pets who can be kept in cages. Rabbits require daily exercise, a specific diet, and regular veterinary check-ups to maintain their health. Children may not be able to provide the necessary care or may lose interest in the responsibility over time.

rabbit at vet visit

Biting and scratching

Rabbits are prey animals and may become defensive or scared if they feel threatened. They may bite or scratch as a means of self-defense, which can be dangerous for young children.


Some children may be allergic to rabbits or their hay, which can cause respiratory issues and other health problems.

Parents should carefully consider their child's age, maturity level, and ability to help assist with proper care before getting a pet rabbit.

The Importance of Responsible Pet Ownership

Responsible pet ownership is critical when it comes to caring for animals, including rabbits. If you're considering buying a pet rabbit for Easter, it's essential to understand what responsible pet ownership entails and why it matters.

Commitment to the animal's well-being

Responsible pet ownership involves a commitment to the animal's well-being, including providing adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care. This also means making sure the animal has enough space to move around and socialize, which is especially important for social animals like rabbits.

Understanding the animal's needs

In addition to meeting the animal's basic needs, responsible pet ownership involves understanding the animal's specific needs, including dietary needs, exercise needs, and potential health issues. For example, rabbits require a diet rich in hay and fresh vegetables, constant access to water, and regular veterinary check-ups with a rabbit-savvy vet.

Creating a safe and secure environment

Responsible pet ownership also means creating a safe and secure environment for the animal, free from hazards and potential dangers. This includes keeping the animal away from toxic plants, providing a secure living arrangement, and removing any potential hazards like electrical cords or other small objects that the animal could ingest.

Addressing behavioral issues

Finally, responsible pet ownership involves addressing any behavioral issues that may arise. This may include litter box training, addressing aggression or destructive behavior, and providing enrichment activities to keep the pet mentally stimulated.

Alternative Ways to Celebrate Easter

While buying a pet rabbit may seem like a fun and festive way to celebrate Easter, there are many alternative ways to celebrate the holiday without contributing to the demand for impulse-bought animals. From crafts and activities to baked goods and treats, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the holiday without putting animals at risk. And if you do want to make a positive impact on animals this Easter, consider giving back to the community through volunteering or donations.

Crafts and activities

Easter is a time for creativity, and there are many crafts and activities you can enjoy with your family and friends. Decorating eggs, making Easter baskets, and creating festive decorations are all fun and engaging activities that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Baked goods and treats

Easter is also a time for indulgence, and there are many baked goods and treats that can be made and enjoyed without the need for a live animal. From hot cross buns to Easter-themed cupcakes, there are plenty of delicious treats to enjoy that don't require any animal products. The Make Mine Chocolate! campaign was created to address the problem of unwanted Easter rabbits by encouraging parents to choose stuffed or chocolate rabbits rather than live rabbits.

easter themed cookies

Giving back to the community

At its core, Easter is a time for giving back to the community. Consider volunteering at a local shelter or animal rescue organization to help care for animals in need. You could also consider making a donation to an animal welfare organization in honor of the holiday.


Buying a pet rabbit for Easter may seem like a fun and festive idea, but it's important to consider the long-term commitment and responsibilities that come with pet ownership. Rabbits require specialized care, including a specific diet, exercise, and veterinary care, and may live for up to 10 years or more. Impulse buying a rabbit as a holiday gift can lead to serious consequences for the animal's well-being and can contribute to the problem of overpopulation and animal abandonment.

Instead, consider alternative ways to celebrate Easter that don't involve buying a live animal. Engage in crafts and activities with your family and friends, indulge in Easter-themed baked goods and treats, and give back to the community through volunteering or donations to animal welfare organizations.

If you are interested in owning a pet rabbit, take the time to research the responsibilities and requirements of rabbit ownership, and adopt from a reputable animal shelter or rescue organization. You can check out our blog post exploring the shocking truth of breeding rabbits and why it needs to stop. By making informed decisions and promoting responsible pet ownership, we can help ensure that animals are treated with the care and respect they deserve.


House Rabbit Society. (n.d.). Rabbits and Children.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (n.d.). Rabbits as Pets.